Re-New with
Full Power!

Continuously Re-New with Full Power!

Re-New with
Full Power!

Do you want …

Icon: Spirale mit Pfeilspitze, die aufwärts zeigt

to re-new your organization continuously to ensure long-term added value?

Icon: 3 Personen halten gemeinsam die Hände in die Höhe

to maintain top-class performance for yourself and your team(s) in a complex and uncertain world?

Icon auf dem jemand zu sehen ist, der eine Stufe höher steigt

to implement strategies in a calm, enrolling, focused and enduring way?

to continuously develop your leadership and organizational culture according to new requirements?

I support you as a Coach.

My Aim: To make full use of your potential!

For whom?

Leaders starting into new roles

Teams in change

Leaders and experts of Asian background working in European companies

Leaders of international projects and teams

What for?

Shape (new) roles actively

Be visible as a leader

Communicate effectively

Enable change

Release stress

Deal with complexity and uncertainty

Form and empower teams


Questioning  Mirroring
Confirming Providing Feedback
Releasing  Reflectiing  Sensing
Experimenting Differentiating
Visualising Creating visions
Energising Exploring
and a lot more

Face-to-face and / or online

In a team I support your Organizational Change.

My Mission: Sustainably Collaborate Together!

For Whom?

Organizations at the beginning of a merger

Organizations which want to develop their communication, leadership and/or project culture

Organizations implementing new business models

What for?

Develop commonalities and appreciate differences

Effectively communicate and collaborate

Get the buy-in from all stakeholders

Be effective in rapidly changing environments


Create change architectures  Develop visions Design talent programs Train mentors Introduce multipliers Provide methods Ask questions Moderate Structure Open resonance chambers Coach Orchestrate collaboration

I collaborate closely with trusted cooperation partners.